Cinco Ventanas and Fase 8
Road Association
A Beautiful Community in the Southern Pacific Zone of Costa Rica

Welcome! Bienvenidos!
Our neighborhood is a vibrant community made up of Costa Rican locals, expats, and snowbirds. Our lovely community enjoys an abundance of beautiful views and majestic trees that we share with the wildlife.
Photo credit: Jan Dwire
Embrace the beauty of Ventanas
We are Cinco Ventanas, VDP Fase 8, Las Brisas and and Ballena Views
BahIa Ballena, Osa, Puntarenas, costa rica
Photo credit: Christi Cooper
Our Mission:

Promote and manage the maintenance and repair of our community's roads.
Promote and manage drainage system improvements that benefit the community.
Promote and manage the installation of signs and markings for safety along the roads of this community.
Promote and manage solutions for wildlife crossing and protection.
Promote and manage the participation and collaboration of all neighbors in caring for the roads.